America Runs on Dunkin "Dunkin"
Very few horses are given a lesson horse mentality the day they were born. Once such horse is Dunkin. Owned by Dani Edwards of Lofty Heart Stables, he is the ultimate baby sitter, teaching kids from leadline and walk/trot through crossrails. Lofty Heart is a lesson and boarding facility in Burt, New York, owned and operated by Dani and her husband Aaron.
When Dunkin was just 4 years old, he was teaching Dani how to ride, and later how to jump. He always kept her safe despite any mistakes. One day she fell off and was unfortunately knocked unconscious. Dunkin never left her side, even with all of the ambulances, fire department, and volunteers. He finally let her neighbor walk him back to the barn and untack him after they took Dani away.
When cutting expenses to move to Western New York, they made the hard choice to sell him. Dani had outgrown him and he was meant to teach other kids. He went on to be a trail horse for his new owner and teach leadline and walk trotters for the next few years. That farm later shut down. The owner messaged Dani asking if she would like to buy him back. She said yes, no questions asked about his condition or if he was still able to teach lessons. "We just wanted him home." Not even an hour later, Aaron got in the truck for a 13 hour round trip to go pick up Dunkin.
Thankfully after a good trim and a little rest he is back to teaching lessons. He's 16 now and will live out his days with Dani and Aaron. "To see the horse that started it all for me teach my children is by far the best experience and the most amazing thing to watch."
"Oh, Dunkin! We can rely on him for so many things. He's safe with the newest of riders and with the more experienced ones. He takes care of riders and is just very even tempered. We love him and he deserves to be pampered with some photos!"